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Image by Faruk Kaymak

Waterval is a Halal-friendly venue.  This means that we do not have any

non-certified food coming into the kitchen and all our utensils and crockery is only used with this food.  All our meats come from a Halal-certified (ICSA) supplier in

Cape Town.

We also have Salaah rooms on site that were blessed by die local Imam from
Wellington and all our accommodation and toilets have shower heads for cleansing.
We are not certified as we sell alcohol on the premises and non-Muslim staff cook in
our kitchen, but most of our Muslim delegates are satisfied about the lengths we go
to keep our food and venue as Muslim-friendly as possible.


If your delegates are not comfortable with that we can order in certified meals at a surcharge. We utilise Wembley Caterers in Athlone

Dawood Thomas, Old Mutual Service Technology and Administration (OMSTA)

“I was really impressed by your facilities. The team building experience was fantastic and all the other elements just made it a better experience. One can tell by the effort that you put into satisfying your clients that you are serious about your business and serious about the needs of your clients.
The fact that your Muslim clients do not have to make special arrangements for their food is a big plus. We hired the utensils and crockery which ended up being unnecessary. Believe me when I say that it is always a strain when you have to constantly watch out for people who not understand the concept of halaal and prevent them from contaminating the halaal food. The fact that you have taken the time to understand the needs of your Muslim clients is impressive and is a reason why I will recommend your facility to everyone that I have dealings with.
I liked the fact that we had salaah (prayer) facilities to fulfil our daily obligations and the facilities were adequate. You asked me to tell you what improvements were required, and I can honestly say that you need to do nothing to improve an already excellent facility. The fact that you have converted your kitchens to halaal kitchens is fantastic. I completely understand why you cannot obtain the halaal certification, having the bar on the premises, but I appreciate all the effort that you have gone through to ensure that the experience of a Muslim client is on par with that of every other client that you welcome to your facility.
If I can give you any advice it would be to advertise the fact that you provide these facilities for Muslim clients and that your kitchens are halaal. Put the information on your website. Putting the information on your web page just makes it easier for potential clients to be informed about the lengths you go to, to accommodate your Muslim clients. That was a BIG PLUS for me.
You are most welcome to place my name and number on your site for a reference if it will assist you.
Kind regards and all the best."
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